þ o2/o9/1997 @CENTER@@Y01kaoz / the progression went online@Y00. @CENTER@we are back finally. stronger than ever. thanks have to go out to several people as there were avenger, bisonours, buster, dieter, dv8, 33rie, halaster, kyp, nail, noize, outraider, pzyko, shaitan and several others. þ JAN 1997 the kaoz-internet-server is finally available. check out @CENTER@@Y01http:/www.kaoz.org@Y00. more options will be online later this month. þ JAN 1997 support for @Y01efr@Y00, @Y01bpi@Y00, @Y01rage@Y00, @Y01rat@Y00, @Y01sip@Y00, @Y01trap@Y00 and @Y01vos@Y00 has been dropped. @Y01assign@Y00 and@Y01 ethos9 @Y00choosed us as their ghq. þ END do not remove the above line ! all lines including a þ will be in a special color (see config) @Y00 main color (use like @X??) @Y01 first highlite-color @Y02 second highlite-color @CENTER@ centers the current line